If it seems like you have been simply existing, functioning on auto-pilot and going through the motions of life rather than living life fully, then perhaps you are now being guided to connect more deeply with yourself. This course encourages you to fully embrace your aliveness as you navigate the waters of your human life experience. Remember, our thoughts have creative power to influence events and determine our experiences, which means we have the ability to create the life we desire. During this powerful experiential course, Empowerment Coach Shelly Wilson invites you to begin your life in a new way and tap into your inner power as you explore who you are and who you desire to be. Creating the Life You Desire course includes three guided meditations and several exercises as well as tips and tools to assist you with your conscious creation.
There are no time limits or restrictions in this course, and I encourage you to spend as much time as necessary on each section and then revisit any sections as you are guided to do so. Once you have completed the course, I will invite you to join me for a live group session via Zoom. These live group sessions will be offered monthly. I will be available to answer any questions you may have during these live sessions.
Are you ready to begin creating consciously?
Setting an Intention for this Course
Cards of Empowerment Message
Embrace Well-Being / Take Time for You
Spirit is encouraging you to embrace well-being and reminding you to take time for you. Take care of your physical health and honor your mental/emotional well-being. Practicing self-love and self-care is essential.
Clarity Cards Message
Boundaries are Necessary
Spirit is reassuring you that boundaries are necessary and is part of practicing self-love. Choose to cultivate the healthy balanced relationships and establish boundaries within those relationships that feel unhealthy or imbalanced. Invest your energy wisely! Say no when you mean no rather than saying yes to appease others.